Call for Sponsors
Dear Humans: Help Earth Now
It's not just about the impressions you buy but the legacy for future generations you create. There are universal values and desires for climate action that a sizable majority of people worldwide share. But that reality alone will not deliver action. Join us in supporting the development of eco-friendly farming practices, driving positive change in the aquaculture industry.
Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.
Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu Human rights activist
Climate change is a fundamental problem that we must solve and not merely pass on to the generations to come…We can’t let our children and grandchildren look back on this critical period in time and say that we failed them.
To tackle climate change you don't have to reduce your quality of life, but you do have to change the way you live.
Ken Livingstone
Ken Livingstone Politician, Mayor of London

Essential for addressing the significant challenges associated with establishing and scaling organic aquaculture initiatives, collective action is critical to support Organigogo's efforts through sponsorship package opportunities. The global limited availability of such initiatives underscores this urgency. Organigogo emphasizes the difficulty by highlighting worldwide statistics to illustrate the scarcity. Learn more about this scarcity's ecological challenges, including its impact on food security, climate change mitigation, and environmental balance.

The disparity in production levels between organic and conventional aquaculture practices is indeed concerning. The ratio of only 7.5kg of organic product (where available) for every 1000kg of overall aquaculture highlights the relatively low level of organic aquaculture within the industry. Exclusion of China's production further accentuates this issue, with the ratio dropping even lower to 1.3kg of organic product for every 1000kg, emphasizing the notable disparity in production levels.

Therefore, by engaging in collective action through sponsorship opportunities, individuals and organizations can contribute to addressing these challenges and become part of the solution for promoting sustainable aquaculture and ecological production methods.


Recognizing the global scarcity of organic aquaculture initiatives, Organigogo addresses this challenge with a twofold strategy.

1. Currently, Organigogo focuses on supporting the establishment and scaling of a few specific aquacultured species on individual aquafarms to achieve third-party certification as organic. Unlike conventional aquaculture, this is a complex and highly specialized undertaking.  

Organic aquaculture and its certification require a rigorous commitment to ecological practices because it encompasses many factors beyond fish farming. It involves knowledge in various areas such as designing facilities, acquiring the necessary equipment, conducting testing, sourcing organic feed and natural pest control methods, or developing feeding formulas, managing breeding and hatchery compliance, and more. This comprehensive approach is essential to ensure that the entire aquaculture process aligns with organic standards, promoting biodiversity, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring long-term sustainability. Therefore, the complexity and breadth of knowledge required to establish and scale organic aquaculture are significant challenges, even for the most experienced aquaculturists. They cannot do it alone, as evidenced by global statistics; they need support.

Organigogo needs your support to help farmers produce fish ecologically.

The natural, healthy, ecological fish that we all desire to consume! We must produce these fish ecologically – supporting aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems – to establish a more positive environmental balance and prevent further damage. However, achieving this is extremely difficult for aquafarmers without a guiding example or proper guidance.

With your sponsorship, we can overcome these challenges and make organic aquaculture a more accessible and impactful solution.  Together, let's unlock the full potential of this sustainable food production method.

Our approach goes beyond fish farming, providing crucial assistance in complementary systems for essential inputs critical for organic aquaculture success. These activities include tapping into organic agriculture for essential feed ingredients and utilizing aquaponics as a complementary production system that benefits the scaling of organic fish farming. By promoting successful examples (one farm at a time), Organigogo highlights the significance of organic aquaculture as an ecological model that can effectively contribute to addressing food security and climate change challenges.

Empowering Through Technology and Knowledge Transfer

2. Organigogo is developing a technological platform to facilitate the broader adoption and scaling of ecological aquaculture. This platform, which encapsulates initiatives like Acquakinetic, Organitum, Orgakinetic, and Ecofarmit, is designed to transfer valuable knowledge and insights to aquaculturists. 

To make this comprehensive suite of networking opportunities, knowledge transfer, support services, and consulting solutions readily available to the public, Organigogo needs your support. By leveraging this platform and expertise, aquaculturists can optimize their practices, explore new opportunities for species growth (develop new methods for raising a wider variety of fish species ecologically, contributing to a more diverse and resilient food system), and implement innovative techniques. This holistic approach empowers aquaculturists to enhance their operations and embrace practices that align with sustainability and ecosystem preservation.

Time is of the essence! Show your commitment to a sustainable future through sponsorship opportunities with Organigogo!  We need your support to make our groundbreaking platform accessible to the public and maximize its impact. Consider sponsoring our initiatives through our tailored sponsorship packages.

A Unified Vision for Global Good

  • Global Perspective Over National Interests: There's a growing consensus that addressing climate change isn't confined within national borders; it's a challenge that demands a unified, international response. This mindset prioritizes the global good, recognizing that the planet's health affects humanity, not just isolated regions or countries.

  • Generational Moral Responsibility: The drive to combat climate change is fueled, at its core, by a sense of duty towards future generations. People worldwide increasingly view it as their responsibility to ensure that the planet they pass down is habitable and thriving. This generational moral responsibility is about preserving the world for those alive today and for the countless generations yet to come.

  • Collective Action Required: Climate change is often framed as requiring solutions at the governmental and corporate levels, acknowledging that significant policy shifts and industrial practices need to be adjusted. This doesn't imply that individual actions are inconsequential but that the scale of change necessary to address climate issues meaningfully necessitates action from the highest levels of power and influence.

  • Political Polarization: While political polarization on climate issues is particularly pronounced in the United States, this divide isn't as pervasive globally. This suggests there's potential for cross-political cooperation and a shared commitment towards tackling climate change in many parts of the world. It's a reminder that, despite differing opinions, the core goal of preserving the planet can serve as common ground.

To address the urgent need to produce more ecologically sustainable food systems on a large scale rapidly, we must focus on reducing the technology, production, knowledge, and skills gap. This gap hinders the swift adoption of sustainable food systems, exacerbating the challenges posed by global warming, climate change, and biodiversity loss. Closing these gaps is imperative for enhancing the efficiency and scalability of sustainable food production practices, ensuring a more resilient and environmentally conscious food system for the future.

Benefits for Sponsors

  • Brand association with a leading technological innovator focuses on establishing and scaling organic aquaculture-agriculture.
  • Prominent advertising placements on our high-traffic website.
  • Visibility as a champion for solving critical environmental challenges.


Sponsors will be recognized as funding partners on our website and within our growing ecological production community.

Empowering Positive Change Through Your Support

The big “why” for climate change isn’t jobs, prosperity, or even the cost of extreme weather—it’s love for the next generation.

Your Support, Our Collective Mission Through Sponsorship

Every sponsorship package selected bolsters our shared ambition of ecological preservation.

Every Sponsorship Makes A Difference

At Organigogo, we recognize each sponsorship as pivotal for enduring ecological betterment. Together, our collaborative efforts carve pathways toward sustainability.

Thank you for considering a sponsorship package with Organigogo.

Your engagement is a vital stride toward realizing our ecological vision for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Unsustainable Practices: The Urgent Need for Change

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Be a Part of the Solution Your Sponsorship Can Help Us Withstand Challenges
Invest in the future of ecologically sustainable food production.
Together, we can build a resilient food system for future generations.
Let's Collaborate on Your Sponsorship Vision.
Tailor Your Sponsorship Package for Impact.

A framework for a more environmentally friendly food system

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Sponsor Cutting-Edge Organic Practices

Sponsors become recognized as founders of transformative organic aquaculture and agriculture solutions by supporting Organigogo's initiatives.
Sponsors receive recognition and appreciation for their pivotal role in pioneering organic practices and technologies by supporting Organigogo's initiatives.
As a valued sponsor, you'll gain privileged access to exclusive content and information developed by the pioneering initiatives of Acqualoop, Ecofarmit, Organitum, and Orgakinetic.
Each sponsorship package is designed to offer tangible benefits that reflect our sponsors' significant role in enabling our mission, further cementing our partnership for mutual success.
Every sponsorship package invests in community-centric projects that aim to enhance the quality of life and empower communities to thrive economically and sustainably.
Sponsors play a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future by supporting initiatives that counter climate change, enhance food security, and preserve ecosystems.
The financial backing provided through each sponsorship package fuels the growth of these groundbreaking projects, enabling them to innovate further and expand their positive impact.
Sponsors gain access to personalized updates on the progress and achievements of our initiatives, keeping them informed about the impact of their contributions.
Sponsors can connect with like-minded individuals, organizations, and organic aquaculture and agriculture experts through Organigogo's networking.
Sponsors contribute to environmental stewardship by supporting initiatives that promote ecological agriculture, conservation, and responsible resource management.
Sponsors become patrons of innovation by fueling initiatives that challenge norms and foster novel approaches to ecology in aquaculture and agriculture.
Sponsors become part of a global movement for organic aquaculture and agriculture, connecting with individuals and organizations worldwide who share a common vision for a better future.

Ecological solutions benefit everyone

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Leave a Legacy of Hope: Support Climate Change Solutions

Taking care of the planet is crucial, especially in the face of climate change. Organic aquaculture is a sustainable solution that preserves ecosystems and resources for future generations.
By investing in organic aquaculture through Organigogo, you're promoting healthier and more secure ecosystems for children, grandchildren, and beyond. Your support will have lasting positive impacts on our planet.
Climate change threatens humanity. Contributing to organic aquaculture is a step towards protecting our shared environment and ensuring everyone's well-being.
Climate change's urgency and scale require collective action. Supporting Organigogo initiatives like organic aquaculture can significantly improve actions toward climate change mitigation.
Climate change is a severe existential risk. Scientific evidence and forecasts demonstrate the urgency of taking action and require a unified effort. Individual contributions, when combined, can create a significant impact.
Your contribution to organic aquaculture is an investment in a sustainable and thriving future for all. Through Organigogo, you can help secure a better tomorrow for generations to come.
Organic aquaculture practices respect nature's intrinsic value, aiming to minimize human-induced harm and preserve ecosystems. Thus, they align with nature's right to exist without detrimental human impact.
Addressing climate change requires significant resources and collective action. Supporting organic aquaculture initiatives at a larger scale can yield tangible environmental benefits and mitigate climate change effects.
Collaboration in organic aquaculture endeavors spreads the responsibility for environmental stewardship, ensuring a fair and effective response to climate challenges for the benefit of present and future generations.
People primarily hold governments and businesses accountable and don’t see themselves as the significant culprits or the solution. Public support is crucial for enacting ecological food production actions at the scale required to preserve the planet's ecosystems. By supporting Organigogo, you are investing in an initiative and actively creating a legacy of positive change. Your partnership exemplifies your commitment to crafting a future that transcends today's environmental challenges—one that embodies ecology sustainably and fosters ecosystems that flourish for future generations.